Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Band Stuff...

I am a musician. I'm pretty sure that and my love for doing laundry are the reasons why my husband married me :) In public, I play the violin, but I am a closet drummer/vocalist. Thanks to the revolution that is Rockband, I can come out of the closet (not like that - stay focused people!) and drum/sing to my heart's content. And when they come out with a headset microphone, I can do both AND look like Britney Spears! (Just kidding about the Britney Spears part... I hope I don't look like that...)

Luckily for me, I have dedicated friends who allow me to indulge my ambitions. And we have a band. Dr. Awesome, Bam-Bam, and Daja-Star (collectively known as "Jason Is Jealous" - great band name, I know) get together on a regular basis to rock out. No Rockband song can defeat the musical talents of Dr. Awesome, Bam-Bam, and Daja-Star... except maybe that song by The Who...

Watch out Jeremy Eder... one day I will out-drum you... maybe.


The Momma Chronicles said...

You're a rock star. You do know that, don't you?

Dellaina (who's glad to see you have a blog for her to bookmark)

Tales of Browns, young and old... said...

No Dellaina - YOU are a rock star!