Friday, December 26, 2008

Tales of Food Processors and Leaky Walls...

In my many years spent gathering wisdom and knowledge (OK, so only 22.5 years!), I have come to decide something: Santa, like God, is more interested in growing you than your personal happiness.

Why do I say this? Two reasons: food processors and leaky walls.

Jim and I came home Monday night from church to notice a puddle on the floor in our dining room. This wasn't terribly odd, as it was nearby where we were taking off our snow-covered boots, but it did seem like an excessive amount of water for a little melted snow and it had soaked through our basket of shoes. So I removed the basket of shoes, put down a towel to dry it up, and went to bed.

Six hours later (when I was leaving for work), the towel was soaked.

Being that I was running later for work and Jim had the day off, I left the towel situation alone. That night I came home from work to find the puddle had grown exponentially and water was running down the wall. And dripping from the window. Not your everyday occurrence, but Jim and I behaved calmly about it and mopped up the mess, laid dry bath towels down along the floor, and placed bowls on the window seal to collect the dripping water. Well, I did behave calmly until I had to take down all my Christmas cards and decorations from a soggy wall!

Twelve hours later, on Christmas Eve morning, we awoke to discover the bath towels sopping wet, the bowls overflowing with water, and the paint running down the wall, along with a sticky brown substance that Jim believes is the insulation from inside the wall.

What does this mean for us? Other than having a soggy wall flooding our apartment that was probably caused by the snow melting off our roof (with plenty more snow to go!), we are guessing we will be moving out quicker than expected as the whole wall will have to be replaced. And we are praying that our microwave does not give out, as it is on the same circuit as the wiring in the soggy wall. And that our apartment does not burn down. And that our wall does not give out. Need I say more?

I really shouldn't give Santa such a bad rap this year. He did bring us many delightful gifts, including a new family of snowmen and a new family of crockpots! However, I did get one gift that I am still scratching my head over: the Food Processor.

(my new food processor!)

Don't get me wrong, I know the food processor is Cuisinart's main contribution to the world of modern cooking, and it is a very delightful machine. I just have no idea how to use it. Or what to use it for. Other than for making delightful baby food, which will not need to be made for years to come. I guess it's time to do some research. Maybe I will be fortunate enough to stumble upon a helpful blog about using the food processor and become as accomplished as I am with my crockpot!

Here's my idea for the Crockpot Lady's New Years Resolution 2009: "365 days of using the food processor". I think it has a nice ring to it.

Merry Christmas, one and all.

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